Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de wallow

to wallowrevolcar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I wallowyo revuelco
you wallowtú revuelcas
we wallownosotros revolcamos
you wallowvosotros revolcáis
they wallowellos revuelcan
they wallowellas revuelcan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I wallowedyo revolqué
you wallowedtú revolcaste
he wallowedél revolcó
she wallowedella revolcó
we wallowednosotros revolcamos
you wallowedvosotros revolcasteis
they wallowedellos revolcaron
they wallowedellas revolcaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have wallowedyo he revolcado
you have wallowedtú has revolcado
he has wallowedél ha revolcado
she has wallowedella ha revolcado
we have wallowednosotros hemos revolcado
you have wallowedvosotros habéis revolcado
they have wallowedellos han revolcado
they have wallowedellas han revolcado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had wallowedyo había revolcado
you had wallowedtú habías revolcado
he had wallowedél había revolcado
she had wallowedella había revolcado
we had wallowednosotros habíamos revolcado
you had wallowedvosotros habíais revolcado
they had wallowedellos habían revolcado
they had wallowedellas habían revolcado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will wallowyo revolcaré
you will wallowtú revolcarás
he will wallowél revolcará
she will wallowella revolcará
we will wallownosotros revolcaremos
you will wallowvosotros revolcaréis
they will wallowellos revolcarán
they will wallowellas revolcarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have wallowedyo habré revolcado
you will have wallowedtú habrás revolcado
he will have wallowedél habrá revolcado
she will have wallowedella habrá revolcado
we will have wallowednosotros habremos revolcado
you will have wallowedvosotros habréis revolcado
they will have wallowedellos habrán revolcado
they will have wallowedellas habrán revolcado

I would wallowyo revolcaría
you would wallowtú revolcarías
he would wallowél revolcaría
she would wallowella revolcaría
we would wallownosotros revolcaríamos
you would wallowvosotros revolcaríais
they would wallowellos revolcarían
they would wallowellas revolcarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have wallowedyo habría revolcado
you would have wallowedtú habrías revolcado
he would have wallowedél habría revolcado
she would have wallowedella habría revolcado
we would have wallowednosotros habríamos revolcado
you would have wallowedvosotros habríais revolcado
they would have wallowedellos habrían revolcado
they would have wallowedellas habrían revolcado

Participio presenteAnotado
wallowing revolcando

Participio pasadoAnotado

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